Raw milk and Allergies
We frequently encounter anecdotes involving individuals who, reluctant or resistant to consuming raw milk, struggle with allergies and believe they have no choice but to endure the symptoms. However, in our line of work, we have first-handedly heard of individuals who have found relief by switching to raw milk, citing a reduction in allergic reactions and an overall improvement in their well-being. The purpose of this blog post is to highlight the studies and testimonials we have thoroughly researched and support, aiming to provide clarity to those interested in discovering the potential unknown benefits of raw milk.
Several studies stem from large epidemiological studies of European children and the correlations they have between raw milk consumption and decreased rates of allergies.
The PARSIFAL study aimed to explore allergy risk factors in children by examining over 14,800 European children from Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland. It delved into allergic diseases concerning children's exposure to various environments (farms, rural, suburban) and farm-fresh foods like raw dairy products, eggs, and vegetables. The findings regarding allergies and raw milk from the PARSIFAL data were released in December 2006 in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
According to the PARSIFAL study, there is a marked reverse correlation between consuming farm (raw) milk and childhood asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, sensitization to pollen, a mix of food allergens, and horse dander. The study revealed that irrespective of the children's living environment, those who consumed raw milk had notably lower allergy and asthma rates compared to those who didn't. These benefits were most prominent in children who started drinking farm milk from their first year of life.
The GABRIELA study aimed to explore the genetic and environmental factors contributing to asthma and allergies. Conducted on over 8,000 European children from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, the study was published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology in August 2011. It compared raw milk consumption to boiled/pasteurized milk intake and considered exposure to raw milk from pregnancy through school age. Additionally, the study examined the impact of children's exposure to farm environments on asthma and allergy rates.
The GABRIELA study discovered that consuming raw milk is linked to lower rates of allergies and asthma, with this positive impact being separate from other farm-related exposures. Early exposure to raw milk (before the age of one) and daily consumption of it enhanced the benefits for children who had a mix of raw and pasteurized milk. On the other hand, consuming only pasteurized milk did not show any health benefits.
The study revealed that the protection against allergies diminishes when raw milk is heated to 149 °F, the temperature at which whey proteins are altered. It was determined that whey protein in raw milk plays a role in shielding against allergies, asthma, and inflammation. However, when heated above 149 °F, these protective properties are significantly reduced or lost.
No more allergies/sinus problems
January 22, 2007—I remember growing up in Poland drinking raw milk/dairy from my grand parents farm. I loved their fresh milk and cheese that my grandma used to make. As a child I never had problems with allergies and I was never sick. About 15 years ago, I permanently moved to the United States. Few years later I started developing allergies and sinus problems. Two years ago my dentist recommended dinking raw milk. Since than, I no longer have allergy/sinus problems. My wife and two kids (6 and 3 years old) enjoy the milk and cream too. Now we all enjoy healthy lives and great taste of raw milk and cheese. Thank you Family Farms for your service. —sbrzeski
Allergies Disappeared
January 9, 2007—Raw milk contains enzymes which make milk digestible. When you pasteurize milk you destroy the enzymes. This is why so many people have trouble digesting milk. When the law requiring the pasteurization of milk was passed, the technology and hygienic standards were not what they are today. We have been consuming raw milk for the past 6 months and many of our allergies have disappeared and our family’s health has improved. Farmers have been drinking raw milk for eons with no ill effect. A third of the states currently allow the sale of raw milk without any problems. Under the cow share program Richard Hebron has done nothing illegal. We feel strongly that we be allowed to have the freedom to obtain raw milk and that Mr. Hebron and other farmers be allowed to provide it for us. —Yours for a healthy tomorrow, Leonard and Rona Krause
Decrease In Seasonal Allergies, Asthma, And Inflammation
December 29, 2006—I have been consuming raw dairy products for two years. I have noticed a significant decrease in seasonal allergies, asthma, and inflammation since I have replaced commercially available pasteurized milk with raw milk and cream from pasture fed cows (raw dairy from Family Farms Coop). Family Farms Coop has consistently provided premium quality raw dairy products that have always tasted delicious. I have never had any negative health effects from consuming raw dairy from the coop, only positive health results. I believe that FFC is doing a great health service to their coop members by providing the opportunity to consume fresh raw dairy. The many positive health benefits associated with consuming probiotics and nutrient rich raw dairy from grass fed cows greatly out weighs any minute negative claims of raw dairy— [signed] Jamie Sutton, M.S.R.D., Flat Rock MI [transcribed from photocopy of original handwritten form]
Revitalized by Raw Milk
For many years, I have had severe asthma with up $400/mo of medications. The problem has gone partially thanks to the raw milk alleviating my allergies and partially to the elimination from my diet of a chemical food, Diet Pepsi.
These are only a few of the numerous testimonials we have come across, and these are just from one source, not to mention the countless others, including those untold by our own members. At Ourgroundup, it is crucial to us to provide insights into the resources we possess and illuminate the situations we encounter.
To us, raw milk represents more than just a food; it embodies a lifestyle that we aim to impart to everyone. It plays a crucial role in leading a truly healthy life, and we are committed to sharing our discoveries with everyone in hopes they will continue to pass on this knowledge to others.